Friday, February 6, 2009

Kick Start, Practical Action

Hello hello...

Time to talk about a couple of other organizations that do interesting stuff.
Lets 'kick off' with KickStart - this non-profit organization focuses on developing products that can help pull poor families out of poverty. They have developed water pumps, presses for soil and cooking oil keeping in mind the following requirements for every product that they come up with:

Part of a highly profitable business model
Safe and efficient
Portable and storable
Easily installed and repaired
Useable without training
Strong and durable
Made from common materials
Culturally appropriate
Environmentally sustainable

You can find out more about them by following this link:

Another organization that caught my eye is Practical Action. Their projects and programs are in a variety of areas: energy, shelter, transport, water & sanitation, food & agriculture, disaster mitigation, climate change etc. Again, it concentrates on using technology in these areas to raise people out of poverty. Their website:

Thats some new info - opinions later.

1 comment:

Taylor Weston Hickem said...

Good recommendations! I like the profit motive and project orientation of the Kick Start.

Here's the last Sustainable Africa Project Session Summary